Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Finished the first round!!

Good afternoon, slept in a little this morning. Trying to catch up on some sleep, which is not possible. Once it's gone ..... it's gone...Good workout though..I feel stronger but that might just be in my mind...

Lat Pulldown (wide) 120 140 160 180 200 5 sets 14-12-10-8-6
Seated cable row 140 160 180 3 sets 10-8-8
1 Arm DB row 60 70 80 3 sets 12-12-12
DB shoulder press 50 55 60 70 4 sets 12-10-8-6
Side Laterals 20 20 20 3 sets 10-10-10

I got the diet down, the peanutbutter in the shake wasn't bad at all. Mr. Franco I do have just one concern, taking the kids to Disney on Sunday, staying a week. Should I find a gym there and get my workouts in???

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