Saturday, August 30, 2008


Hey it was a good work out but my left shoulder is killing me. I couldnt go as heavy as I wanted to. i couldnt really raise my arm up without some serious pain. I will rest tody and get back at it on @morrow. Here we go.....

Upright Row 60 60 70 70 80 80 6 sets 12-12-8-6-6-6- reps
Standing Shoulder Press 40 40 45 50 4 sets 10-8-8-8 reps
Front Raise 17.5 17.5 17.5 3 sets 10-10-10 reps
1 Rm Cable Curl 20 25 30 35 4 sets 12-10-8-8- reps
Preacher Curl 80 85 90 3 sets 10-8-8 reps

30 min
15% incline
2.5 mph

Morning weigh in
32.75 waist

1 comment:

Joe Franco said...

Rest it up and take some anti inflamms!

Ok, for your meal plan, I want you to cut the carbs in half on your off and cardio only days.

FYI, I will not have internet access untll Tuesday.

You email isnt working again